Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So I got home after coloring my hair and tried everything in my power to get Matt to notice. NOTHING, I love the guy but he noticed nothing. I had to give him the benefit of the doubt. I have very dark hair so it doesn't show up very well. If i didn't get it myself I may have not noticed. I sure did not go lighter. I decided I wanted to know what he thought, so I told him. After a careful examination of my hair he said that it was red and purple. WHAT!!!! Purple, where did you get that? He thought that the black was purple. I guess it doesn't really matter cause my hair will always be in a ponytail.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Time for a change

I am going to get my hair colored tonight. I will see if Matt notices. My hair is brown and I will add red and black to it. lets see what happens.


I know that it has been a looong time since I wrote last. But guess what, nothing has happened. Sure a lot of little things have been going on. Tristan got his first tooth. His second one is cutting now, poor little guy. I listened to the entire twilight saga on CD. I would never have finished it otherwise. After that I finished reading, yes reading the 4Th book of a saga by Anita Stansfield. I has inspired me. I have always had a big imagination and have had a lot of stories in my head. I am not a writer in the slightest and you may know that I can't spell very well. If you haven't noticed bad spelling that is because I keep a dictionary by the computer. All that aside I have decided to write a book. A short book but i assure you it will be filled with adventure and a little bit of romance. Cheesy romance that is. I am so excited. Stay tuned, I may finish it in a year or so. HA HA.